
Saturday, April 26, 2008

Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ;

confusedabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz .

So , whatisthissupposedtomean ? Canyoutellme ? OrdoIknowalready ?
Feelinglikecurlingupandjustdying .

Tagreplies .

gc ; zzzs , cutoff my fingers for what ? ._. lols ! What I do ? I where got bully you huh ?

kira ; I am lurh , see we everytime talk bad about people , likethat already considered bitch`iness , I think T-T hahas ! You too (:
I try not to cry , but it's hard(; thanks for your concern(x

lovebound ; yay ohoh , I love your floods ! :D cause they make my blog alive -.- hahas ! &I'm trying to , I really am ._. thanks for your concern too ! (x

I need to talk to you before I go insane .

Blogged @ 4:30 PM

Friday, April 25, 2008

Past 5days ;

suckedlikehell .

Everyday had a crying session , usually lasts moreorless 15minutes .
Binged on 4things .
Water .
Oranges .
Music .
Blah .

Keep drinking water , pee , then drink a cup . Cry , drink another cup . Pee again . Drink again . Cry again . & no , the water I drank was not from my pee . It was OSIM PURIFIED . Hah hah . -.-
An urge to eat oranges . Cut , eat . Cut , eat .
Listening to mp3 practically everytime I'm alone&not smsing Blah .
&Blah . I thank God I know him .
I seriously , seriously think he's damn sweet .

monday was crying ;
he sms`ed me , & I really thank God somehow , for if he hadn't I think I would just have cried till ten then sleep .
Feeling that he was my lifeline to sanity .
Thenthens , he really super cute lurh !
Cause I told him I was hurt , he asked me a fewdays later ;
so you still hurt ?
Then I told him , yes . & he said ,
then when can ok le ?

Didn't reply that , I think .
&Blahblahblahblah (:

something wrong with me .

arghhhhhh .
Fookyouwendy .
Asshole .
Assssssssssssssssssssholeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .
Ihateyou .

Studied at Mc with Weekeng , Olivia , sometimes Choonhon , once Gekchuan .
Today went subway with Weekeng & Olivia .
Shoot , only studied normal&tangent equations !

Forgot when , huangdama caught my hair ? Lols .
si Xiangying , she says my hair tie up look like ahlian -.-
have de uh ?

Cries lah .

Tired of crying .
Off to bed now .

Blogged @ 9:01 PM

Sunday, April 20, 2008

LOL ! This was edited {:

Blogged @ 1:59 PM

Okay , I'm damn confused .

When you say that , do you mean it ? Are you joking around ? Are you playing with my feelings ? ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ all over again .

I don't know either .

Ohh , read Gekchuan's blog , forgot to post about tuesday .

During remedial some idiot friends of Lester keep disturbing me , like wthells lah . They used Daryl's phone to sms me , said he was Leonard -.-
lame lurh .

Some more having geogtest , sickening lah , then keep callwhatcall , so ~!@#$ cans ?
Like they no life likethat .
What , cannot be friends ah ? Never hear of such thing ?

So craps nurh .
Idiots . All your faults . Hope you're happy that we're fighting now .

- confusedconfusedconfusedconfused . -

Blogged @ 1:30 PM

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Hello ! :D
doing the quiz Hanhan asked (x

1. At what age do you wish to be married?
Lol ? Between 25-30 , I guess . Depends lah .

2. If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 3 blog buddies you'd take and why?
Must be blog de ah ? -.-
OF COURSE must bring my xiaodidi (x cause ilovehim most :D
WANGEKSCHUAN . So can hear her worry then I will feel better xD
Dunno niah x.x most probably Brandon lo , cause he no choice but to help us find food since he's the biggest size -.- lols !

3.Where is the place that you want to go the most?
Go back to my oldhouse in america &
live there with my xiaopapa (x

4. If you can have 1 dream come true, what would it be?
if not , at least friends forever .
& if not , at least keep in contact forever XX;
CHOY LAH . Of course the first one -.-

5.Do you believe you can survive without money?
Depends bah .

6. What are you afraid to lose the most?
Peckhan .

7. If you win $ 1 Million, what would you do?
Buy back the oldhouse in america & two planetickets there & everything else to last me & xiaopapa a lifetime xD then the other 1 million that he gave me I'll put it in the bank to grow O.O"

8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Tried that . So , NO .

9. When was the last time you blogged?
Erh , somewhere in the week ?

10. What requirement do you wish from your other half?
Don't know ? Alot lah . But if I put everything here then it would be considered that my standard is too high , LOL . But what I reallywant , reallyreally want , is a guy with strong hands . For some blah reason -.-

11. What kind of person do you hate the most?
Bitches . But since I might be one myself too , I guess people who are insensitive to other people's feelings .

12. If you have 10sec before you die, what will you do?
Tell Peckhan that ilovehim . That would make it the first&last time I ever told someone iloveyou out loud , haha .

13. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. What does it mean to you?
GOD {:

14. If there's ever a war(or things that are similar) happening in your place, are you going to move to a safer place, or fight?
Fight lo , cause if Peckhan dies fighting [ CHOYCHOYCHOYCHOY ~!@#$%^&*()_+ ] then I might as well die too -.-

15. If you have the chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
Bitch`iness .

16. Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
EVERYSINGLE problem would be DaddyGod . Everysingle secret except one , with xiaopapa . Everysingle secret except two , Gekschuan xD

17. What's your weakest point?

18. Think of the person who tagged you to do this quiz. What song do you relate him/her to?
Alot of songs ? Our blogsong ! {:

19. What is the one thing you regret most?
Telling Tenghan that I hated him . But if I didn't , then I probably wouldn't know Peckhan xiaodidi , so I guess it's ........... BLAH .

ppl being tagged to do this,
Anyone who wants to do it , since if I give names then I'll need to disable the no-copy function & right now I'm too lazy to do that -.- hahas .

Tagreplies !

gc ; whatever man ! :D no , not interesting enough x: tag SOMETHING ELSE other than tag&blah then I happy lurh -.-

kira ; yes ! Thanks for sending it to me :D ahah .

rachael ; loves to you too ! (x

minyee ; HAHA ! Kae lah (x I bully Minyee ! I bully Minyee ! I bully Minyee !

lovebound ; zzzzzzzzs ! Lame lurh ! ZOE-EE , how can you be so inconsiderate ohhkay ! This board also belongs to SOMEONELSE , FYI -.-

Blogged @ 4:27 PM


1. At what age do you wish to be married?
Don't wish to be married, if i can.

2. If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 3 blog buddies you'd take and why?
Of course ! Wendy Da Jiejie! (cause shes the most important.)
Syanting? (also maybe. cause she will make me dance de. =='' got entertainment.)
Last but not least, Jovi Wong ! (cause if he at there also got entertainment -.-)

3.Where is the place that you want to go the most?
Migrate to America with wendy da jiejie?

4. If you can have 1 dream come true, what would it be?
I want to keep in touch with
wendy da jiejie cause if not i will die de.

5.Do you believe you can survive without money?
think so.

6. What are you afraid to lose the most?
wendy da jiejie

7. If you win $ 1 Million, what would you do?
Give every single cent to
wendy da jiejie! ROFL,
Hint : Fonts in
[sample] is the same person

8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
not sure leh..

9. When was the last time you blogged?

10. What requirement do you wish from your other half?
not sure. a kind heart is what i need.

11. What kind of person do you hate the most?
my enemies lah duhh..

12. If you have 10sec before you die, what will you do?
talk to
wendy da jiejie

13. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. What does it mean to you?
the love having fever lor.. need go consult doctor..

14. If there's ever a war(or things that are similar) happening in your place, are you going to move to a safer place, or fight?
Fight till the end!

15. If you have the chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
My attitude lahs!

16. Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
wendy da jiejie

17. What's your weakest point?

18. Think of the person who tagged you to do this quiz. What song do you relate him/her to?
Barney's Bedtime Song! "ABC".

19. What is the one thing you regret most?
i hurt my best friend.

ppl being tagged to do this,
-wendy da jiejie!
-Jovi Wong

Blogged @ 11:36 AM

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sorry I didn't upload the friday photos sooner ;

been busy .

These have been taken courtesy of dajie's & Kira's blog ! :D thankies !

Kira&me ! ♥
The cliqueee♥ ! Omgosh ilovethem(x
from left ; dajie , Kira , me ! , Olivia , Ohoh & Huilun :D

♥Clique with Mrhuang & Msloh ! I'll miss their crappy sense of humour D;

beloved junior Joey , & dajieee :D

choir partners for life (x heez .

from left ; me , Choonhon , Olivia & Zoe ♥♥

it's a star urh ! xD
mine , Honhon , Xiangying&Kimying twinnehs , & Meiling ♥♥♥
lovethemloads !

let's seeeee .
This should be with nehneh , ruru , honhon & me :D
ilovesopone ! ♥♥

Beloved "bully" Minyee & chelchel juniors , ♥
Hahas .

The rest of the pics will be uploaded on monday , hopefully !

Today ate at fish&co. [ again ! x: ] at parkway with cousins , cause this'll be the last few times my brother will be working there lurh .
& yesterday saw Marcus on 40 -.-
I was like so gong urh , he got on I also didn't know until he called me , hahas .

I hate this , I really do . I hate dreaming of you , thinking of you when I open my eyes in the morning , thinking of you when I close them . We say we miss each other everynight , but you know what ? I don't miss you everynight . I miss you every second , everytime I see you . & it's so tiring keeping it all in ; eventhough I don't want to . If this is infatuation then I'll have to wait till next june . Cause that's when I started to think of you most . I hate myself , I really do . I try not to think of you , but ARGH . It's so bloody difficult .
Feeling frustrated I couldn't seem to connect with you .

kira ; relinked(:

... ; I don't hate your attitude-ness lah , not that I like it -.- it's alright for flooding it , it needs some flooding anyway (: & I'm sorry too when I didn't notice you were crying during math TT takecares ♥

lovebound ; haha , Zoe you damn funny lurh , like some mediator xD everytime come my blog ask people chill . HAHA ! (x loves&thanks ♥

`cHoOn hOn`` ; LOL , feeling better already ! :D thanks for the pics bytheway (x

KeithW ; haha , they don't even look alike uh -.- thanks :D

Blogged @ 11:57 AM

Friday, April 11, 2008

Today wasn't goooooood .

Urghhhhhhh ;
concert was today , performed etc.

the end .

I just wish all of you would stop fighting lah . Can't you just forget about the past ? She didn't do it on purpose right , although you may not be angry with her , but at least you shouldn't give that face to them . They're my friends too , afterall . It's not that they hate you or what , just that they hate your attitude-ness .

After concert went Mcdonald's eat with Choonhon , Zoe , Olivia , Weekeng , Xiangying , Kimying , Meiling , Kenneth , Marcus & cookie :D

but it sortof sucked .

After eat lurh , already tenplus , so took bus with Kenneth&Marcus .
I've seriously been a badgirl .

1. made cookie wait damn long for us , eventhough I rushed like siaoh .
2. in a way pangseh`ed Marcus&Kenneth ,
3. made Marcus hold all my books , LOLLURH . +my bag , he carried it when reaching my house -.-

ahhhhhhhhhh .
Pics will be stolen from other choirmembers :D heez .

I'll surely miss all my lovedjuniors so veryvery the much D:
so much till I wannuh cry lurh -.-

hahas .
Took pics with all my sopone juniors with various handphones , will ask them for them on monday during our ROD ;
I never want to go T-T


; like wthell is his prob lah .

Okokays .
Sorry xiaodidi T_____________________T"
today was surely damnbloody boring for you x;

Blogged @ 11:49 PM

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

yeah ! yo !

Today is just like any other school day but with one exception. :] went to honggeap's house with yin zheng after eating mac. and he brought a mac with him.

It is not a mac! its Mac! its Macbook! its not MacDonalds! its Macintosh!!! =='' that was lame..
Then we went to honggeap's house. yeah.. and then i was helping honggeap to play the psp. er.. not really. i helped honggeap with his game. Need For Speed Most Wanted.. yeah, he dont know how play one, must like me mah.. but sorry la, end up losing his savegame file. T-T

no lar, he call me reate new career mah, he want cheat, cheater ! but at last no use lah ! lol, need play all over again. =='' afterthat around 4.30, it was raining like mad, so i decided to wait for the rain to stop.


so i decided to borrow an umbrella from him..
ps: any umbrella that is under my hands will suffer like hell.

LOL. so he borrowed us an old-fashion, flowery umbrella. WTH LAHS ! somemore ar, the umbrella so small one. lol, it ended up breaking into two anyways..

so i decided to exchange umbrella with yin zheng, so we walked back to my block together..
AHAH ! so he willingly exchanged umbrella with me.


later din i know that ,


Diao.. but for now, the funny part.. i took a damn nice photo with him taking that umbrella lor.. but don't tell him ar...

here it goes....

there goes nothing.....


ROFL! lol, after that he hated that umbrella so much and when we reached the void deck, he broke that !$%^&*() umbrella.

after that went home la, obvious..

Blogged @ 6:56 PM

Friday, April 4, 2008

I dont't know why, i really don't know why, i actually thought that Mrs. Lau IS a damn good teacher. She Rawks. She very noble one loh.

Last Wednesday she helped us loads. We were late for chapel, but Mrs. Lau was helping us argue with the prefects.

She said. " You guys did not took the initiative to tell us to go for chapel"
lol, and then the prefects got scolding from Mrs. Lau, actually is our fault one loh.

cause the whole class like talking lor, and then din even care about chapel. ==''

She Rocks, not because she is a mushroom head.
But because of her character. :]]

Blogged @ 7:57 PM

AHHA! Dont forget me ! I also updated our blog ! :]

Blogged @ 7:56 PM

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I've forgotten already .

What decision ? -.-

Wendylikeswendy (;
I'm gonna miss choir T-T

yesterday had choirpractice at lecturehall , aircon is goooood(x
then nehneh keep telling honhon that Wendy likes wendy -.- siaoh .

& I want to apologise to one of my goodfriends ;
cause I " fought " with you over a guy ? -.-

&no , I don't know why I should even feel jealous . I have no claim over you , when I saw , I feel so pissed with myself ; you know I felt so fucking sad&irritated&hurt&disappointed , although I have no reason to , &that's why I seriously hate myself for feeling all theseeee . & it hurts so bad . That minute of hell stayed with me for the wholeday . God I sometimes wish I could just cry forever sometimes .

Blogged @ 6:49 PM


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