
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Feels like I'm standing in timeless dreams
Light mists and pale amber rose
Feels like I'm lost in a deep cloud of heavenly scent
Touching, Discovering you

Those days of warm rains come rushing back to me
Miles of windless summer night air
Secret moments shared in the heat of the afternoon
Out of the stillness, soft spoken words
Say say it again

I love you, always forever
Near and far, closer together
Everywhere, I will be with you
Everything, I will do for you

You've got the most unbelievable blue eyes I've ever seen
You've got me almost melting away
As we lay there, under a blue sky with pure white stars
Exotic sweetness, a magical time
Say say it again

Say you'll love, love me forever
Never stop, not for whatever
Near and far and always and everywhere and everything

I'll trust in you, I promise.
Even if it's going to hurt me the most in the end.
Love is giving someone the ability to destroy you, but trusting them not to.

Blogged @ 12:04 PM

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Taken from my own blog
Name 20 ppl you can think of right now.

Dont read the questions until you've named the 20 ppl.
At the end of this, choose 5 ppl to do this. Its not in order.

1) Yin Zheng
2) Big Yanting.
3) Small Yanting.
4) WENDEE jiejie.
5) Jovi teacher
6) Eugene korkor
7) Wee Chuan .
8) Anna.
9) Gabriel .
10) Xiang Lin.
11) Inn Kee.
12) Weisheng.
13) Wei lin.
14) Chileng.
15) Chiyean.
16) Baiwei.
17) Ma may.
18) Honggeap
19) eunice cousin.
20) My psp
OMG. why got so many random people ?

How did you meet 14?

Since the start of this year
What would you do if you never meet 1? YinZheng
I will lose one of my good friend
What if 9 and 20 dated? Gabriel & my psp
no way! i won't let them ! T-T cause i love my psp!
Will 6 and 17 date? Eugene korkor & ma may
LMAO. They dont even know each other
Describe 3. Small yanting
The name says it all.
Describe 7. Wee Chuan
friendly, stuck at com 24/7
Do you know of any 12's family members? Weisheng
yes. alot. the father the mother the grandfather the grandmother the greatgrandmother the greatgrandfather the greatgreatgrandfather the greatgreatgrandmother the ancestors. (thats all i know)
What would you do if 18 confesses that he/she likes you? Honggeap.
wo bu shi gay.
What language does 15 speaks? chiyean.
english chinese maths science music art. lol
Who is 9 going out with? gabriel.
i dont know..
How old is 16? baiwei.
either 15 or 14. i dunno
When is the last time you spoke to 13? Weilin
before holiday
Who is 2's favourite band/singer? big yanting.
you ask me, i ask who ?
Would you ever date 4? WENDEE jiejie.
if i'm older.
Would you ever date 1? Yinzheng
how many times mus i tell u wo bu shi gay ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is 19 single? eunice cousin
obviously single, cause shes not a double.
Would you ever be in relationship with 11? innkee
wo bu shi gay :(
School of 3? small yanting.
Where does 6 live? eugene korkor
cannot say, later he say i cyber bully him then kena sued then go jail or sth. (just like what honggeap wrote on his blog.)
What is your favourite thing of 5? Jovi teacher
look at those thighs!
PS: He has boobs :P

Next 5 ppl to do this thingy:
2) Anybody
4) Anybody
5) Anybody

Blogged @ 2:35 PM

Friday, June 13, 2008


Happy birthday WanYing Ahyi :D :D

went Escape with GekChuan Mama, Zoe and Olivia BiaoMeis :D
tio pangseh`ed by the rest of the A&E ]:
cries lah.
Nevermind, shan't make myself depressed any further. HAH, TAKE THAT. WE STILL HAD FUN WITHOUT YOU GUYS. -.-

&sorry Mama, about yesterday]:

almost missed bus, met Mama on the bus{:
then we took it to the MRT station; off to PasirRis MRT ;D
reached lurh, Zoe BiaoMei was waiting already {sorry!}, and apparently Olivia BiaoMei forgot that we were still going out, hahs.
So we took bus to Escape first {GekChuan opened her birthday present! x:}, then playplay`ed some rides [:
then met Olivia;
then Zoe started to feel sick, so we went to Orange Julius to rest x;
Mama and I ate, lols. AndIdrankOlivia'sorangejuicewhichtastedlikecoughmedicinebecauseitwasfreeand
afterthatigotatummyachehurrayformycheaponessyayness :D

ride some more, then Zoe really started not feeling well, so forgoed some rides D:
but it's alright, weloveherman ;D

didn't get to ride the water rides in the end though :/ ohwell, wasn't looking forward to getting wet anyway xD

Then saw our {urhm?} friend JingTing who keep messing my hair -.-
ohh we went to the haunted house and around the end we screamed and ran through, LOLLURH[:
then etc. etc., Mama and I decided to go back to the haunted house and scream our guts out, hopefully scaring all the little kids away too. HAHA.

Then this little {biantai} boy;
okokay, he's like damn freaky.
We go to the queue liao right, he was in front of us, then he kept saying,"Ah I'm so scared, I wish someone can go with me," then he'd look at us ._.

in the end we pangseh`ed him;
ran throughout the entire thing screaming :D :D
haha, SUCKER. >xD
ahah, ahah.
Damn suay uh, we lined up at the go-cart ride for 41 MINUTES, in the end when we were the first, the FIRST ahs, got server maintenance crap -.-
wthell lah -'-

rode somemore;
on the spinning whatever, then we sang happy birthday to Ahyi {who wasn't even there -.-}, twinkle twinkle little star, etc. etc.
you get the point -_______-"
something cropped up with Olivia BiaoMei, so we left early [:
then Mama, Zoe BiaoMei and I went Whitesands to neoprint ;D {sorry Olivia that you couldn't join us Dx}

MAMA THE PEABRAIN!~ x: {the mushroom is Mama's birthday present [;}

thank you Zoe for the retarded hairstyle ._.

{the right neoprint} I look like a complete retard due to the fact that I was bending down/squatting and my legs were about to give way on me any second -.- LOLS.
awhh{: so romantic lah xD xD heez.
A&E Family is loved ♥♥
reached home, went KFC to celebrate Grandmother's birthday{:
had the cake there and everything ^-^ heeh.
Leaving for KL on sunday morning D: D: D:
will miss A&E Family sorely]:

Blogged @ 10:41 PM

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

No one's the boss of me.

Hello :D
yesterday went out with my twinneh ChoonHon, and BiaoMeis Zoe and Olivia ^-^ heez.

Reached KallangLeisurePark lurh, took 10 minutes to decide whether we should watch a movie or ice-skate, HAHA.
Then Zoe flipped coins many times ._.
in the end we went ice-skating o_o so fun lah ;D ;D

so now I can officially say that I can almost skate backward[[[[:
although after I skate backward I'll fall forward -___-" ahah.
But it was kinda fun falling x.x lollurh[:

Zoe and I both got blisters {owh Dx}, but apart from that it was fun :D
after skating went to Pastamania for {ahurm} tea-cum-lunch.

went Suntec to take neoprints with them {:
for the first time I actually did not look as retarded as I usually do ._.
then Olivia, Zoe and twin played some at the arcade, then back homeeee[:
didn't play at all though, cause basically didn't bring enough x/
*how was I to know that $25 wasn't enough?!? LOL*

reached home lurh, dinner`ed then went skating at ECP.
Hadn't touched my skates since march holidays so decided that I'm not gonna wait for them to rot at home :/

maybe it's cause its been such a long time that I haven't skated that I suddenly realised I am able to skate faster now? Ahah[x
then to Gelares to have ice-cream waffles {ewh gross whatever} then back home.

So exhausted that I forgoed my crying session[: hurrah, well done Wendy.

I miss my xiaodidi.

I'm taking my time
I'm trying to leave the memories of you behind
I'm gonna be fine
As soon as I get your picture right out of my mind

I wanna feel the way you make me feel
When I'm with you
I wanna be the only hand
You need to hold on to
But every time I call
You don't have time
I guess I'll never get to call you mine

You're nothing at all
I know there’s a million reasons why I shouldn't call
With nothing to say
Could easily make this conversation last all day

I wanna feel the way you make me feel
When I'm with you
I wanna be the only hand
You need to hold on to
But every time I call
You don't have time
I guess I'll never get to call you mine.

- When I'm With You, Simple Plan;

Blogged @ 10:49 AM


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Wee Chuan`
Eugene Kor Kor
Wah Seh! Mr.Romanze leh...
laozhabor.. who the hell is that ?!
Jovi Wong
xiao yanting
Hong Geap
Yin Zheng

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